
Among the activities I like in development is managing databases. My experience as a developer basically covers all banks, but my administration proficiency is only with Microsoft SQL Server, Sysbase and FirebirdSQL. When I say proficiency, I mean in-depth knowledge, risk management, performance tuning, baseline establishment, backup, disaster recovery, and unusual configurations. Lately I've been using the FirebirdSQL database a lot which is a feature-packed OpenSource database with a low learning curve. As it is a relatively unknown bank, I work in the community helping those who want to know it better. That's why I have this exclusive page that gathers information about what I think you might need.

Before you ask me, why don't I do the same, that is, distribute knowledge about MSSQL and other databases? The answer is simple, proprietary databases like MSSQL, Oracle and DB2 you can buy for the knowledge and thanks to the certification it will be “as good” as the best certificate, on the other hand relational databases like FirebirdSQL and PostreSQL although there are courses and even certification, there is a very good, efficient collaboration ecosystem that more companies and developers are looking for solutions.

Introducing the FirebirdSQL database

Install on Windows

Different versions of FirebirdSQL on the same Windows

Installation on Linux, is it better than Windows?

Charset and collate, what are they, what do they eat and where do they live?

Which charset should I use? ISO8859_1 WIN1252 or UTF8?

Creating a database, why bother with charset and page size?

What is the difference between a remote, local and embedded connection?

Using Zeos – ZQuery

Why should a DBA guide programmers to create parameterized queries?

Full backup and sweeping, which is the most efficient strategy?

Incremental backup, which is the most efficient strategy?

How to backup and/or transfer user accounts

The data was written right in the bank, but why do others see wrong accents?

Debugging SQL Commands in FirebirdSQL

Using autocommit in my programs, is that good or bad?

Funções UDR ou PSQL para FirebirdSQL

Como extrair apenas o texto de um conteúdo RTF

Como extrair apenas o texto de um conteúdo HTML

Converter um texto em NUMERIC(18,2) ou NUMERIC(18,4)

Arredondamento do tipo ABNT em itens de serviço NFs

Retornando apenas dígitos válidos de uma string

Colocando aspas simples numa string que talvez já tenha aspas também

Como converter um numero para texto formatado

Pegando o primeiro dia do mês de uma determinada data

Pegando o ultimo dia do mês de uma determinada data